Profile ID: 43csu
Timestamp: 30/06/2024
Name: Retracted Khan
DOB: Retracted 1996
Age: 27
Location: Lucknow
Marital status: Divorced
Reason of Seperation: No kids, married in 2022 divorced after 4months. Domestic voilence.
Native Place: Lucknow
Currently living: Parents
Siblings: Total 3, 1brother and 1sister married
Polygamy: NA
Education: BA
Working: Makeup artist
Height: 5.03
Weight: 40
Hijab/ Niqab: Yes
Work after marriage: No
Sect: Sunni barelwi
Dad professional: Retired
Mom: Homemaker
Spouse expectation: Understanding and no voilence
Own house:
Marital status:
Joint family:
Form filled by:
Qualities in me: