
Highlights- Sunni Barelwi Govandi
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Profile ID: 0b0pf

Timestamp: 08/07/2024

Name: Retracted Shaikh

DOB: Retracted 1995

Age: 29

Location: Govandi, Shivaji Nagar, Chawl

Marital status: Never Married

Reason of Seperation: NA

Native Place: Raibareilly, UP

Currently living: Parents

Siblings: Total 4, 2brother and 2sister, out of which 1sister is married

Polygamy: NA

Education: SSC

Working: Previously working in Amazon Warehouse package scanning

Height: 5.02

Weight: 65

Hijab/ Niqab: Yes

Work after marriage: NA

Sect: Sunni barelwi

Dad professional: Cutting master in clothing company

Mom: Passedaway in November of 2018

Spouse expectation: Upto 5years

Own house: Yes

Marital status: Never married

Joint family: Doesn’t matter

Education: Doesn’t matter

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Qualities in me:"

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-03 at 15.08.04 (1).avif

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-03 at 15.08.04.avif

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-03 at 15.08.05.avif

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