Contact this Profile on my behalf Profile ID: g6fh7
Timestamp: 21/06/2024
Name: Retracted Shaikh
DOB: Retracted 1993
Age: 30
Married: Never married
Marriage duration: NA
Location: Ulwe - Building
Education: HSC
Designation and work details: Broker in a real estate company
Native Place: Kadpa, Andhra Pradesh
Currently living: Parents
Siblings: Total 2, apart from him 1 younger brother
Total number of work exp: 2years
Height: 5.07
Weight: 80
Beard: French
Sect: Sunni barelwi
Ownhouse: Rented
Dad professional: Passed away
Mom: Homemaker
Spouse expectation: Gharelu
Profile information given by: Self

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-06 at 09.30.36.avif

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-06 at 09.30.37 (1).avif

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-06 at 09.30.37 (2).avif

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-06 at 09.30.37.avif

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